Clinical and Biochemical analyzes

Codi servei:


The Clinical Analysis and Biochemistry Service participates in various research initiatives in areas related to the hospital and primary care, both nationally and internationally. The main lines are as follows:


  •     Evaluation of new technologies and methodologies related to biochemical diagnosis, such as immunoassay platforms, analytical chemistry or robotic sample management.
  •     Search and implementation of new biomarkers for pathologies, highlighting with special relevance the lines dedicated to heart failure and hormonal biochemistry.
  •     Studies focused on the Primary Care patient, with the aim of studying and improving diagnostic algorithms in the general population to facilitate diagnosis and address treatments from the field itself.
  •     Participation in multicenter committees to define quality indicators and specifications, and to study other aspects related to the quality and clinical safety of patients.
  •     Collaboration in clinical trials carried out in the hospital.


The Clinical Analysis and Biochemistry Service is part of the Clinical Directorate of Laboratory.


It is located on the first floor of the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital. The unification of the primary care laboratories and the hospital allowed the reorganization and integration of the activities of some laboratory specialties such as biochemistry and hematology, giving rise to a new multidisciplinary laboratory and the current service of Clinical-Biochemical Analysis.

The functional organization of the Service is based on an operational nucleus (Core Laboratory) and different areas of specialization, with more than 95% of the tests carried out in the service portfolio of the North Metropolitan Clinical Laboratory (LCMN). In the Clinical Analysis and Biochemistry Service, highly automated technological platforms are available to provide the best quality and response time. In addition to the service's own analytical tests, the core laboratory integrates the testing of other services such as microbiology, immunology or hematology, providing an optimal inter-relationship between laboratories in the diagnostic process. This organization allows the optimization of human and technological resources, facilitating innovation and development in the areas of specialization of the different services.

The service's faculty provide a high degree of experience in the different areas of knowledge related to laboratory medicine, both in healthcare validation and in the field of research, forming part of numerous committees and commissions of national associations related to the Clinical laboratory.


The optional validation of analytical tests that takes place in the Clinical Analysis and Biochemistry Service allows the generation of complementary tests based on diagnostic algorithms and interpretive comments that improve and complement the analytical report, helping the patient's clinical diagnosis and avoiding many occasions new extractions or delay in the diagnostic process.


In the service portfolio you can see the tests carried out in the following functional areas:


  • Special Biochemistry Section: Drug monitoring, fertility studies, hormones and functional tests, tumor markers, metabolism, study of trace elements, proteins and vitamins, cardiac biomarkers and molecular biology techniques.
  •  Core-Biochemistry Section: General biochemistry and Immunoassay tests, Biochemical study of urine and other samples (urinalysis, urine sediment and urine culture screening, fecal occult blood), Pre-eclampsia study and trisomy screening at the first trimester of gestation.
  •  Core-Hematology Section: Hematimetry (interpretation of the hemogram and morphological review of the peripheral blood smear), Immunohematological study of pregnancy monitoring, Basic hemostasis and the Study of biological fluids. In addition, this section shares the performance and assessment of the Study of anemias, the Study of hemoglobins for the detection of hemoglobinopathies and the tests for special hemostasis (study of coagulation factors, study of thrombophilia, platelet aggregation, etc.) with the Erythropathology and Hemostasis sections of the ICO Hematology service.


Tipus Servei: 6



The Service has been accredited for teaching residents (BIR, FIR, MIR) since 1985. Numerous laboratory specialist technicians are also trained.

You can see all the the teaching guides in this links:


The Service offers the annual courses "Updating in the Clinical Laboratory" and "Advances in Medicine in the Clinical Laboratory", open to all hospital staff and accredited by the Catalan Council for Continuing Education of the Health Professions.

Bibliographic sessions are also held on the most current topics in in vitro diagnosis and our professionals participate as speakers at numerous conferences.


  • Find out what our residents think about the Clinical Analysis and Clinical Biochemistry service of the Germans Trias