
Codi servei:


The section regularly participates in clinical trials both in relation to the introduction of new drugs in respiratory allergies and new therapies and guidelines in specific respiratory immunotherapy. The results are presented in national and international communications and the most relevant are published in medical journals.

We carry out this task in the Hospital’s Multipurpose Clinical Research Unit (UPIC), which provides facilities and personnel dedicated to carrying out clinical trials of phases I, II, III and IV as well as observational studies, independent promotion or industry. Thanks to these facilities we managed to lead in many trials the recruitment of patients . This fact has allowed to carry out research contracts in members of the Service once the residence is over.

We participate in several multidisciplinary projects:


  • Asthma Grave Unit where allergologists, pneumologists, pediatricians, ORL and immunologists collaborate to offer the best multidisciplinary care for those patients with more complex and less controlled asthma. The SEAIC (Spanish Society of Alergology and Clinical Immunology) has accredited this unit as a unit of excellence and as a teaching unit to provide face-to-face practical training in severe asthma. The Unit is coordinated by Dr. Maria Basaga.a. Each year an Asthma course is held aimed at both Primary and Specialists
  • Multidisciplinary Chronic Urticaria Unit where allergologists, dermatologists and immunologists collaborate. Protocols for the management of this pathology are created in accordance with the Network of Urticaria of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands. The Unit is coordinated by Dr. Nathalie Depreux.
  • Atopic Dermatitis Unit where allergologists and dermatologists collaborate. A protocol for the management of this disease has been created and has facilitated the introduction of Dupilumab as a biological treatment for the disease. Dr. Yanina Jurgens participates.
  • Toxicothermy Unit where allergologists, dermatologists and pharmacologists collaborate. A circuit has been created for the study of this pathology. Dr. Yanina Jurgens participates.

The current research projects of the Section are:

  • The Doctoral Thesis called “Factors of Prognostic Eosinophilic Fat in Eosinophilic Severe Asthma” within the Grey Asthma Unit.
  • Together with the Cutaneous Allergy Committee of the Catalan Society of Allergology and the Department of Nutrition of the UB, work is being done on the project in scientific progress on the aetiology, diagnostic parameters and dietary management of food histamine intolerance. Winning project of the 2020 Call “R&D&i Projects” modality oriented to the challenges of society.
  • Grant from the Health Research Fund in Allergy to Beta-Lactams together with Pharmacy and Vall d'Hebrón Hospital.

In addition, we have been awarded on several occasions by the Germans Trias Talents Grants, which has allowed us to introduce the induction of oral tolerance in pediatric patients with persistent allergies and poor prognosis in cow's milk or egg as a care activity and carry out a thorough study on eosinophilic asthma.


Allergy is an abnormal and exaggerated response of the immune system of certain people to a series of very diverse agents that come from the outside, harmless to most people and which are called allergens.

Allergology is the medical specialty that studies diseases related to allergic processes. And the allergy specialist is the doctor in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases (asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, food allergy, atopic dermatitis, latex allergy, hymenoptera poison allergy...) and all those diseases related to the immune system.

The Allergology Section of Germans Trias offers a comprehensive vision of the specialty and provides all the necessary methods for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the different allergic diseases, both in adult and pediatric population.

We are pioneers in the territorial plan of Barcelonès Nord and Maresme. We approach the patient according to the complexities of the pathologies and thus make a more careful attention to our patients.

The facilities of the Germans Trias Hospital are the right environment to carry out all the necessary and more complex diagnostic techniques, as well as specific treatments.

In the same way, patients can be visited in the specialized care centers of the area for milder pathologies in Dr. Barraquer in Sant Adrià de Besòs, Dr. Robert and Gran Sol in Badalona and CAP Carrer Major in Santa Coloma de Gramenet.

The section works in coordination with the professionals of Primary Care and the hospitals of Badalona and Santa Coloma de Gramanet.

Tipus Servei: 1



Postgraded teaching

According to the National Specialty Commission, Allergology is a medical specialty that is based on the knowledge, diagnosis and treatment of the pathology produced by immunological mechanisms, with the techniques that are its own.

It is a transversal specialty that evaluates and treats the patient as a “systemic disease” since allergology can affect an organ or be manifested in a multiorganic way. Therefore, knowledge of different specialties such as Dermatology, Pneumology, Immunology or ORL among others is essential during the rotation of residents.

Official designation of the Specialty: Allergology and Clinical Immunology

Duration: 4 years

Previous degree: Medicine and Surgery

The Specialty Training Programme is in line with the Specialty Training Programme for Allergology published in the B.O.E (order SCO/3081/2006 of 20 September).

The Allergology Section of Germans Trias is one of the few that teaches the specialty in Catalonia and of the first that was accredited (2006), so it enjoys great experience in this field. It does so by integrating theoretical and practical clinical teaching, as well as laboratory, for the diagnosis of allergic diseases. It is a tutored learning based on scientific evidence, with an equitable distribution of training and care tasks and a total integration of Resident Internal Doctors (MIR) into scientific tasks.

It currently has capacity for one resident per year.

As it is a multidisciplinary specialty, the training period includes the following rotations (table content in catalan):


Continuing education

An annual training program is carried out to update allergology accredited by the Catalan Council for Continuous Training of Health Professions.

Information for residents

  • See the Teaching guide.
  • Find out what our residents think about the Allergology service of the Germans Trias.