Endocrinology and Nutrition

Codi servei:


The service has the following government-supported lines of research:


  • Thyroid cancer and epigenetics
  • Type-1 diabetes mellitus autoimmunity and other thyroid diseases
  • Cardiovascular disease and diabetes
  • Morbid obesity and incretins
  • Health technology innovation


You can find more information on the research work on the website of the Research Institute of Germans Trias i Pujol.

Presentation: The Service is part of the Clinical Directorate of Endocrinology and Nutrition.

Tipus Servei: 1

Correu: endocrinologia.germanstrias@gencat.cat


Undergraduate teaching

The undergraduate teaching taught at the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Barcelona includes 2 courses:
-MIC IV (5th year)
-Rotator (6th year)


Postgraduate teaching

  • Accreditation for the training of specialists in Endocrinology and Nutrition since 1985
  • Master 'Diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot', Department of Medicine of the UAB


Residents 2022

 Teaching guide.


Continuous training

The Endocrinology and Nutrition Services organizes:

  • Two yearly Endocrinology and Nutrition update courses
  • A yearly course on thyroid disease
  • A yearly course on nutrition
  • A yearly course on diabetes and obesity
  • A yearly course on diabetic foot