Orthopaedic and Traumatology Surgery
- Presentation
- Healthcare services
- Team
- Research
- Teaching
- Contact
Codi servei:
The Orthopaedic and Traumatology Service considers that a major part of its work is clinical and basic research, plus the dissemination of knowledge acquired. It therefore has a research coordinator.
The service participates in various national multicentre trials and studies, and has grants to enable them to be done.
It also develops clinical studies, with the approval of the Clinical Research Ethical Committee, and encourages the dissemination of results of innovative surgical treatment and techniques, applied in scientific meetings and national and international publications.
The Orthopaedic and Traumatology Service of Germans Trias attends and treats traumatic, degenerative, tumoural, infectious pathology and congenital and acquired deformities of the locomotive apparatus.
It is organized in units and sub-units, which attend to a specific area of pathology knowledge. This enables professionals to specialize in rare diseases and highly complex and innovative surgery techniques.
At the same time, the service develops the multidisciplinary care of patients with other professionals of the hospital. An example of this is the creation of units such as the Locomotive Apparatus Septic Pathology Unit, the Orthogeriatrics Unit and the Arthroplasty Unit, which take on an integral approach of the patient.
The quality of care is the primary concern of the service. It therefore maximizes the development of protocols and clinical records of different procedures and treatment, together with control and assessment systems.
Tipus Servei: 2
Correu: traumatologia.germanstrias@gencat.cat
Undergraduate teaching
The Orthopaedic and Traumatology Surgery Service has a close relation with the Germans Trias Teaching Unit of the Medical School of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, at the Can Ruti Campus. It participates in theory and practical teaching of students in the fourth and sixth year of Medicine. It also has a coordinator professor of the subject and six associate lecturers.
Postgraduate teaching
The service has three places per year for the postgraduate course in medicine (MIR). Hence, up to 15 resident under training can actively participate in medical care and in the specific clinical and training sessions. The resident doctors also form part of clinical and basic research projects.
Residents information
The service also:
- Participates in postgraduate courses and master degree courses of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, the Universitat de Barcelona and the Universidad de Jaén. It also organizes accredited postgraduate training courses.
- It organizes a Knee Surgery Seminar on a biannual basis at the Hospital Germans Trias.
- It coordinates an International Knee Pathology Course, with the collaboration of Hospital Clínic of Barcelona and Hospital del Mar.
It periodically admits doctors from other centres of the country or from overseas, and gives support to other hospitals in complex procedures, when requested.
Medical team
José Antonio Hernández Hermoso
Head of Department - Knee surgery team
Gloria Albertí Fitó
Surgery specialist - Infant foot and ankle and orthopaedic team
Francisco Aliaga Orduña
Surgery specialist - Knee surgery team
Silvia Maria Miguela Alvarez
Surgery specialist. Emergency
Cristina Asensio Vives
Surgery specialist. Emergency
Gabriel Buendia Carrillo
Surgery specialist. Emergency
Juan Cabello Gallardo
Surgery specialist - Hip surgery team
Elisa Cassart Masnou
Surgery specialist - Back and elbow surgery team. Lecturer
José Ma Cavanilles Walker
Specialist surgery - Spine surgery team. Lecturer
Juan Gonzalo Bernal Vargas
Surgery specialist. Emergency
Yaser Fergagny Addellafeff
Surgery specialist. Emergency
Guillem Figueres Coll
Surgery specialist - Hip surgery team
David Rodríguez Montserrat
Surgery specialist - Spyne surgery team
Ester Garcia Oltra
Surgery specialist - Knee surgery team
Miquel Iborra González
Surgery specialist - Spine surgery team. Lecturer
Josep Malet Celma
Surgery specialist. Emergency
Mariano Matas Pareja
Surgery specialist - Foot and ankle surgery team
Àngel Masferrer Pino
Surgery specialist. Emergency
Virginia Miron Hernandez
Surgery specialist. Emergency
David Rodríguez Montserrat
Surgery specialist. Emergency
Corona Poy Gual
Surgery specialist - Hand surgery and microsurgery team
Juan Carlos Bonilla López
Surgery specialist - Hand surgery and microsurgery team
Luís Ramos Cuesta
Specialist - Surgical oncology team
Juan Antonio Ruíz Calavia
Surgery specialist - Knee surgery and arthroscopy team
Leonardo Ruiz Macarrilla
Specialist - Back and elbow surgery team
Rolando Zapata Hernandez
Surgery specialist. Emergency
Ester Mora Solé
Surgery resident
Javier González López
Surgery resident
Gloria Pedemonte Perramon
Surgery resident
Marta Sabater Martos
Surgery resident
Marina Renau Cerrillo
Surgery resident
Marc Ferrer Banús
Surgery resident
Bàrbara Nicolau Miralles
Surgery resident
Juan Antonio Calle García
Surgery resident
Elena Pastor Canto
Surgery resident
Josep Ferrer Rivero
Surgery resident
Rubén Gaona Morente
Surgery resident
Mireia Marchante Vilalta
Surgery resident
Nursing team
Antonia Salmeron Ramirez
Hospital nurse supervisor
Cristina Pérez Cano
Hospitalization nurse team
Ma Pilar Selas Diaz
Hospitalization nurse team
Eva Janeiro Ochoa
Hospitalization nurse team
Nuria Abril Sales
Hospitalization nurse team
Nuria Templado Peñaranda
Hospitalization nurse team
Juan Alberto Estevez Moreno
Hospitalization nurse team
Ma del Mar Galvan Anaya
Hospitalization nurse team
Mónica Martins Machado
Hospitalization nurse team
Sara Medina Martínez
Hospitalization nurse team
Francisca Marin Lara
Hospitalization nurse team
Ma del Valle Pérez Romero
Hospitalization nurse team
Ma Asunción Varó Pérez
Hospitalization nurse team
Ma Dolores Yañez Ruibal
Hospitalization nurse team
Dolores Peralta Romero
Hospitalization nurse team
Celia Tello Aguado
Hospitalization nurse team
Sara Oliva Villegas
Hospitalization nurse team
Teresa Martínez Angerri
Hospitalization nurse team
Mireia Torres Asensio
Hospitalization nurse team
Tania Bote Jiménez
Hospitalization nurse team
Helena Fernández Bernal
Hospitalization nurse team
Lorena Figols Casado
Hospitalization nurse team
Elisabet Lopera Sánchez
Hospitalization nurse team
Andrés de la Asunción Buj
Hospitalization nurse team
Rosa Rodergas Borras
Hospitalization nurse team
Mercé Sirera Sarri
Hospitalization nurse team
Montserrat Roque Fuste
Hospitalization nurse team
Miriam Triguero Romero
Hospitalization nurse team
Elisabeth Paz Ciria
Hospitalization nurse team
Juan Carlos Burillo Bueno
Hospitalization nurse team
Angel David Vara Otero
Hospitalization nurse team
Emma Suárez García
Hospitalization nurse team
Ma Esther Diego Muñoz
Hospitalization nurse team
Isabel Lobaton Chincoa
Hospitalization nurse team
Maria Carmen García Punsola
Hospitalization nurse team
Ana Maria Valdearcos Pérez
Hospitalization nurse team
Ma del Carmen Fermín Escobar
Hospitalization nurse team
Vanessa Ojeda Álvarez
Hospitalization nurse team
Anna María Serrano González
Hospitalization nurse team
Nuria Jerónimo Chachio
Hospitalization nurse team
Marta Francisco González
Hospitalization nurse team
Sonia Martínez Peñas
Hospitalization nurse team
Irene Martínez Pelegrí
Hospitalization nurse team
Ma Catalina Morato López
Hospitalization nurse team
Margarita Rojals Asencio
Hospitalization nurse team
Concepción Cano Cerezo
Hospitalization nurse team
Ma Mercedes Lora López
Hospitalization nurse team
Ma Ángeles Rodríguez Taboada
Hospitalization nurse team
Esperanza Ruiz García
Hospitalization nurse team
External Office nursing team
Estel Font Pujol
Office nurse supervisor
Francisca Diaz Manzano
Office nursing team
Juana Ma Pérez Poveda
Office nursing team
Camila Álvarez Rasero
Office nursing team
Yolanda Romero Ramírez
Nurse supervisor at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre of Badalona
Visitación Gil Rampérez
Nurse at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Ma Carmen López Dosouto
Nurse at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Susana Moreno Sierra
Nurse at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Montserrat Penadés Permanyer
Nurse at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Irene Figuera Mas
Nurse supervisor at the Doctor Barraquer Specialized Treatment Centre of Sant Adrià de Besòs
Montserrat Tapia Moreno
Nurse at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Eva Ferrer Bachiller
Nurse at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Nuria Martrat Duch
Nurse at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Administrative team
Maria José Sanchez Fabregat
Verónica Gallarín Rodriguez
The Orthopaedic and Traumatology Service of Germans Trias attends and treats traumatic, degenerative, tumoural, infectious pathology and congenital and acquired deformities of the locomotive apparatus.
It is organized in units and sub-units, which attend to a specific area of pathology knowledge. This enables professionals to specialize in rare diseases and highly complex and innovative surgery techniques.
At the same time, the service develops the multidisciplinary care of patients with other professionals of the hospital. An example of this is the creation of units such as the Locomotive Apparatus Septic Pathology Unit, the Orthogeriatrics Unit and the Arthroplasty Unit, which take on an integral approach of the patient.
The quality of care is the primary concern of the service. It therefore maximizes the development of protocols and clinical records of different procedures and treatment, together with control and assessment systems.
- Subacromial pathology (in the area of the back): arthroscopic and open repair of rotator cuffs
- Unstable back surgery: arthroscopic and open techniques
- Intra-articular pathology: capsulobral injuries, SLAP lesion surgery, suprascapular ganglion surgery
- Back stiffness: athroscopic and open arthrolysis
- Trauma back surgery: osteosynthesis (joining of bone fragments) and arthroplasy (construction of a new joint to replace the damaged joint) in fractures
- Surgery of fracture sequelae: osteotomies and arthroplasties
- Acromioclavicular pathology (of the area that joins the collar bone to the back): acute and chronic injuries
- Degenerative arthrotic pathology: resurfacing arthroplasty and primary arthroplasty
- Inflammatory arthritis:arthroplasty in rheumatic patients
- Avascular necrosis surgery of the humeral head
- Pathology through chronic rupture of rotator cuff: reverse back arthroplasty
- Revision surgery: prosthetic replacements, periprosthetic fractures
- Traumatic elbow surgery: fracture osteosynthesis
- Elbow instability: acute and chronic instability surgery
- Elbow arthoplasty in traumatology: radial head prosthesis, total elbow prosthesis in complex fractures.
- Muscular injuries: epicondylitis and medial epicondylitis surgery
- Stiff elbow: arthrolysis
- Degenerative elbow pathology:total elbow prosthesis
- Inestabilitat del colze: cirurgia de les inestabilitats agudes i cròniques
- Artroplàstia del colze en traumatologia: pròtesis del cap radial, pròtesis totals de colze en fractures complexes
- Lesions musculars: cirurgia de l'epicondilitis i epitrocleïtis
- Rigideses de colze: artròlisi
- Patologia degenerativa de colze: pròtesis totals de colze
- Infections
- Dupuytren disease
- Tendon injuries
- Metacarpal and phalangeal fractures
- Luxations and ligament injuries of fingers
- Stiffness of fingers
- Arthrodesis and arthroplasties of small joints of the hand
- Arthrosis of the base of the thumb: rizarthrosis
- Arthroplasty and arthrodesis of the wrist
- Carpal instability
- Pathology of the distal radial ulnar joint
- Distal radial fractures
- Carpal bone fractures
- Wrist arthroscopy
- Tendinopathies
- Peripheral nerve compression
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Cubital algoparesis
- Acute and chronic nerve repair: nerve grafts
- Brachia plexus surgery
- Rheumatoid arthritis and other connectivopathies
- Bone and soft tissue tumours
- Microsurgery functional muscle transfers
- Coxarthrosis
- Avascular necrosis
- Rheumatic hip
- Hip dysplasia
- Prosthetic surgery of hip revision
- Hip arthroscopy
- Pelvic osteotomies
- Hallux valgus surgery
- Hallux rigidus surgery
- Toe surgery
- Metatarsalgia
- Morton's neuroma
- Tarsial and ankle arthrosis
- Deformities of plano valgus foot and clubfoot
- Ankle instabilities
- Pathology of peroneal tendons
- Pathology of the Achilles tendon
- Osteochondral injuries of the talus bone
- Foot and ankle fractures and their sequelae
- Rheumatic foot
- Diabetic foot
- Neurological deformities of the foot and ankle
- Lesions osteocondrals d'astràgal
- Fractures del peu i turmell i les seves seqüeles
- Peu reumàtic
- Peu diabètic
- Deformitats neurològiques del peu i turmell
- Cartilage injuries;mosaicplasty, microfractures, AMIC
- Ambulatory arthroscopic surgery: meniscus repair, ligament reconstruction
- Patella pathology: instability of the patella and recurrent luxation of the patella
- Traumatology: multiligament injury, knee luxations and open and closed knee fractures
- Arthrosis surgery: femoral and tibial osteotomies, total knee prosthesis, prosthetic replacement surgery, unicompartmental prosthesis, femoral tibial prosthesis
- Extra-articular deformities
- Navigated and robotic surgery
- Aseptic and septic prosthesis revision surgery
- Tumour prosthesis
- Toracolumbar spine traumatism care
- Treatment of degenerative problems of the spine: lumbar, cervical and dorsal herniated discs
- Lumbar spinal canal stenosis
- Compressive myelopathy surgery
- Spondylolisthesis surgery
- Surgery of traumatic sequelae (structural deformities)
- Vertebral instability surgery
- Treatment of spine deformities: Sclerosis, kyphosis and acquired and congenital deformity spine surgery
- Spinal osteotomies
- Treatment of specific spinal infections and others
- Treatment of spinal tumours, according to the bone tumour unit
- Benign and malignant tumours of the locomotive system of children and adults: Soft tissue sarcomas
- Bone sarcomas: Osteosarcoma
- Ewing Sarcoma
- Chondrosarcoma
- Bone metastases
- Tumour resection with limb preservation
- Bone and joint reconstruction with prosthesis and bone transplants
- Biologic reconstructions with bone transplants and microvascular grafting
- Growth prosthesis
Infant hip pathology
In collaboration with the Paediatric Service, diagnosis and treatment is carried out. The most frequent disorders are:
- Dysplasia and congenital luxation of the hip
- Septic arthritis
- Transient synovitis
- Perthes disease
- Upper femoral epiphysis
- Obstetric traumas
Neuromuscular pathology
In collaboration with the Rehabilitation and Paediatrics Service, the treatment of neuromuscular pathology is coordinated:
- Spastic paralysis (ICP)
- Other neurovascular pathologies
Infant foot and lower limb pathology
- Diagnosis and treatment of clubfoot and flat foot
- Dysmetry of the lower limbs
- Desaxations of the lower limbs
The Orthopaedic and Traumatology Service considers that a major part of its work is clinical and basic research, plus the dissemination of knowledge acquired. It therefore has a research coordinator.
The service participates in various national multicentre trials and studies, and has grants to enable them to be done.
It also develops clinical studies, with the approval of the Clinical Research Ethical Committee, and encourages the dissemination of results of innovative surgical treatment and techniques, applied in scientific meetings and national and international publications.
Undergraduate teaching
The Orthopaedic and Traumatology Surgery Service has a close relation with the Germans Trias Teaching Unit of the Medical School of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, at the Can Ruti Campus. It participates in theory and practical teaching of students in the fourth and sixth year of Medicine. It also has a coordinator professor of the subject and six associate lecturers.
Postgraduate teaching
The service has three places per year for the postgraduate course in medicine (MIR). Hence, up to 15 resident under training can actively participate in medical care and in the specific clinical and training sessions. The resident doctors also form part of clinical and basic research projects.
Residents information
The service also:
- Participates in postgraduate courses and master degree courses of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, the Universitat de Barcelona and the Universidad de Jaén. It also organizes accredited postgraduate training courses.
- It organizes a Knee Surgery Seminar on a biannual basis at the Hospital Germans Trias.
- It coordinates an International Knee Pathology Course, with the collaboration of Hospital Clínic of Barcelona and Hospital del Mar.
It periodically admits doctors from other centres of the country or from overseas, and gives support to other hospitals in complex procedures, when requested.
Contacte: traumatologia.germanstrias@gencat.cat