Orthopaedic and Traumatology Surgery

Codi servei:


The Orthopaedic and Traumatology Service considers that a major part of its work is clinical and basic research, plus the dissemination of knowledge acquired. It therefore has a research coordinator.


The service participates in various national multicentre trials and studies, and has grants to enable them to be done.


It also develops clinical studies, with the approval of the Clinical Research Ethical Committee, and encourages the dissemination of results of innovative surgical treatment and techniques, applied in scientific meetings and national and international publications.


The Orthopaedic and Traumatology Service of Germans Trias attends and treats traumatic, degenerative, tumoural, infectious pathology and congenital and acquired deformities of the locomotive apparatus.


It is organized in units and sub-units, which attend to a specific area of pathology knowledge. This enables professionals to specialize in rare diseases and highly complex and innovative surgery techniques.


At the same time, the service develops the multidisciplinary care of patients with other professionals of the hospital. An example of this is the creation of units such as the Locomotive Apparatus Septic Pathology Unit, the Orthogeriatrics Unit and the Arthroplasty Unit, which take on an integral approach of the patient.


The quality of care is the primary concern of the service. It therefore maximizes the development of protocols and clinical records of different procedures and treatment, together with control and assessment systems.

Tipus Servei: 2

Correu: traumatologia.germanstrias@gencat.cat


Undergraduate teaching

The Orthopaedic and Traumatology Surgery Service has a close relation with the Germans Trias Teaching Unit of the Medical School of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, at the Can Ruti Campus. It participates in theory and practical teaching of students in the fourth and sixth year of Medicine. It also has a coordinator professor of the subject and six associate lecturers.


Postgraduate teaching

The service has three places per year for the postgraduate course in medicine (MIR). Hence, up to 15 resident under training can actively participate in medical care and in the specific clinical and training sessions. The resident doctors also form part of clinical and basic research projects.


Residents information

Teaching guide


The service also:

  • Participates in postgraduate courses and master degree courses of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, the Universitat de Barcelona and the Universidad de Jaén. It also organizes accredited postgraduate training courses.
  • It organizes a Knee Surgery Seminar on a biannual basis at the Hospital Germans Trias.
  • It coordinates an International Knee Pathology Course, with the collaboration of Hospital Clínic of Barcelona and Hospital del Mar.

It periodically admits doctors from other centres of the country or from overseas, and gives support to other hospitals in complex procedures, when requested.