- Presentation
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- Team
- About diseases or procedures
- Research
- Teaching
- Contact
Codi servei:
The Otorhinolaryngology Service performs research work in collaboration with the IrisCaixa Institute for Aids Research and the Institute of Predictive and Personalized Medicine of Cancer (IMPPC)
The main lines of research are:
- Study of the afferent auditory canal.
- Study on the location of auditory nuclei in the brainstem.
- Aural rehabilitation through cochlear implants in the neurofibromathosis type 2.
The Otorhinolaryngology Service is a dynamic team formed by twelve people. Each has a special interest and dedication in a specific area of otorhinolaryngology, and the team is led by doctor Francesc Roca-Ribas.
Tipus Servei: 2
Correu: orl.germanstrias@gencat.cat
Undergraduate teaching
Doctor Francesc Roca-Ribas and Doctor Núria Miró are associate professors of Otorhinolaryngology at the Medical School of the UAB in the Can Ruti Campus.The rest of the team also collaborates in the subject and in practicals of students.
Postgraduate teaching
The service gives the following courses in postgraduate training:
- Endoscopic skull base and nasosinus surgery
- Othology and neuroothology
- Updating for family doctors
- Training and updating of Otorhinolaryngology in Nursing
It also collaborates in teaching resident doctors of Family Medicine, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, General and Digestive Surgery, Oncology and Allergology.
Residents information
Medical team
Francesc Roca-Ribas Serdà
Head of Service
Nuria Miró Castillo
Head of Clinic
Emilio Amilibia Cabeza
Surgery specialist
Ma Dolores Guerrero Gilabert
Surgery specialist
Susana Lareo Copa
Surgery specialist
Ma del Mar Palau Viarnes
Surgery specialist
Marta Pérez Grau
Surgery specialist
Carlos Pollán Guisasola
Surgery specialist
Josep Prades Martí
Surgery specialist
Albert Pujol Olmo
Surgery specialist
Joan Vergés Bueno
Surgery specialist
Constanza Viña Soria
Surgery specialist
Nursing team
Esther Roca Amatria
Hospital nurse supervisor
Jaume Guitart Hormigo
Hospital nursing team
Ma Jesús Palomares López
Hospital nursing team
Patricia Velayos Martos
Hospital nursing team
Alicia Francoso Vicente
Hospital nursing team
Esther Cano Lucas
Hospital nursing team
Julia Moraleda Hidalgo
Hospital nursing team
Míriam Hinojosa Barrios
Hospital nursing team
Assumpta Esteve Bachs
Hospital nursing team
Xavier González Granero
Hospital nursing team
Laura Aguilar Polo
Hospital nursing team
Judith Ginesta Pan
Hospital nursing team
Rita Sabina Aguilar Gómez
Hospital nursing team
Magda Cosialls Rodríguez
Hospital nursing team
Sandra Fernández Nuñez
Hospital nursing team
Carlos González Muñoz
Hospital nursing team
Encarnación Salvo Plazas
Hospital nursing team
Carmen Aroa Almansa Moreno
Hospital nursing team
Catalina Huguet Forcades
Hospital nursing team
Juan Treviño Benavente
Hospital nursing team
Dolores Gómez Navarro
Hospital nursing team
Pilar Marazuela Pinela
Hospital nursing team
Estel Font Pujol
Office nurse supervisor
Montserrat Batlle Carrasco
Office nursing team
Montserrat Alcaraz López
Office nursing team
Francisco Jurado Martínez
Office nursing team
Yolanda Romero Ramírez
Nurse supervisor at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre of Badalona
Pilar Alonso Alvarez
Nursing team at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Marta Alsina Llinares
Nursing team at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Mercedes Baena Carretero
Nursing team at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Angels Linares Juncosa
Nursing team at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Ma Carmen López Dosouto
Nursing team at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Susana Moreno Sierra
Nursing team at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Montserrat Penadés Permanyer
Nursing team at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Irene Figuera Mas
Nurse supervisor at the Doctor Barraquer Specialized Treatment Centre of Sant Adrià de Besòs
Eva Ferrer Bachiller
Nursing team at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Montserrat Tapia Moreno
Nursing team at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Nuria Martrat Duch
Nursing team at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Lucia Garrido Nuñez
Nursing team at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Yolanda Chicon Pitarg
Nursing team at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Aurora Garcia Farago
Nursing team at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Rosa Ferrer Font
Nursing team at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Operating theatre nursing team
The Otorhinolaryngology Service is a dynamic team formed by twelve people. Each has a special interest and dedication in a specific area of otorhinolaryngology, and the team is led by doctor Francesc Roca-Ribas.
Together with the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) and the Institute of Predictive and Personalized Cancer Medicine (IMPPC), the Hospital Germans is accredited as a National Reference Centre for Neurocutaneous - Phakomatosis Syndromes (CSUR)
The purpose of the CSUR Unit is the integral and multidisciplinary handling of diseases with phakomatosis, a group of diseases that covers neurofibromatosis types 1 and 2, schwannomatosis, tuberous sclerosis and Von Hippel Lindau disease. The Otorhinolaryngology Service is integrated in this multidisciplinary unit and is expert in the treatment of neurofibromatosis type 2.
The unit can attend patients from all over the country if they are referred by their autonomous region of origin. Consultations are also dealt with from specialists from other centres. Members of the CSUR Phakomatosis Unit meet on a monthly basis.
It is a multidisciplinary committee for the integral treatment of malignant tumours of the head and throat. It is formed by the following services: Otorhinolaryngology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Radiotherapy Oncology, Radiodiagnosis and Endocrinology and Nutrition.
Multidisciplinary unit formed by the Otorhinolaryngology, Neurophysiology, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology and Plastic and Repair Surgery Services, aimed at the diagnosis and treatment of complex peripheral facial paralysis.
It carries out the integral and multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment of oropharyngeal dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing) and the screening of hospital dysphagia. The Otorhinolaryngology, Rehabilitation and Endocrinology and Nutrition services form part of this unit.
It is responsible for the integral treatment of hypoacusis: surgical treatment, osteointegrated implants, cochlear implants and brainstem implants.
This is carried out by video ENG, VHIT, VEMP muscular and ocular.
Lateral skull base surgery
Treatment of skull base tumours that require complex lateral surgical approaches such as: Vestibular or acoustic neuromas, glomus jugulare tumor, paragangliomes jugulotimpànics, sample carcinoma of the temporal bone or tumours located at the petrous portion of the temporal bone. As these tumours are in a complex anatomic area and are rare, treatment requires a highly specialized surgical team.
Anterior skull base surgery
Transfacial and endoscopic approaches of the anterior skull base, in collaboration with the Neurosurgery Services: cerebrospinal fluid fistule, pituitary tumours, nasal and paranasal tumours, meningiomas of the anterior skull base or socket approaches.
- Intratympanic treatment
- Endolymphatic sac decompression
- Neurectomy
- Laberintectomy
- Spasmodic dysphoniaespasmòdica
- Oropharyngeal dysphagia
- Hypersalivation
- Facial nerve
With Bielefeld pilot catheter.
Treatment of the apnea syndrome and infant and adult sleep apnea and hypoapnea syndrome (SAHS).
Phonatory prosthesis.
- Nasal inflammatory pathology: polyposis, sinusitis, mucocoeles
- Benign and malignant nasal tumoural pathology
- Endoscopic surgical treatment of choanal atresia
- Nasal endoscopic surgery of the lachrymal duct
- Endoscopic surgical treatment of exophthalmos in Graves Basedow disease
- Endoscopic transnasal socket approaches of abscesses and orbital tumours
- Surgical treatment of salivary gland neoplasms
- Surgical treatment of thyroid gland neoplasms
- Congenital cysts and benign cervical tumours
- Phonosurgery
- Transoral laser surgery of the pharynx and larynx
- Surgical treatment of vocal chord paralysis: endoscopic injections, cordotomy, thyroplasty
- Larynx-tracheal stenosis
Cochlear Implant
A cochlear implant is a mechanism implanted through surgery in patients suffering serious hearing loss in both ears. The implant electrically stimulates the auditory nerve and provides better hearing. It is usually placed in:
- Paediatric patients with hearing impairment from birth or acquired during childhood, and for whom traditional hearing aids are not sufficient.
- Adult patients who owing to the seriousness of their hearing impairment, cannot benefit from hearing aids.
Cochlear implants have an internal device that is placed in the inner ear (cochlea) and with another external device (visible) similar to a traditional hearing aid.
The surgery required to implant the internal part of the device is done through a small incision behind the ear. Through this incision, electrodes are placed inside the inner ear, and hence it is necessary to remove the bone that covers this part of the ear.
After the operation, an initial programme is done accompanied by aural rehabilitation based on overcoming stages: detection and differentiation of sounds; identification of sounds and words, and recognition of words and verbal comprehension.
Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2)
It is a minority neurocutaneous disease, from the group of phakomatoses, caused by a genetic defect to chromosome 22. Its main characteristic is the presence of bilateral benign tumours on the vestibular nerve (vestibular schwannoma). Patients may also have tumours on the spinal cord, other tumours of the nervous system, cutaneous and ophthlmological injuries.
As a result of vestibular nerve tumours, patients can become deaf. It is therefore of utmost importance to visit a centre of reference with a multidisciplinary team which can offer suitable treatment in each case.
The Germans Trias Otorhinolaryngology Service is a reference in the surgical treatment of vestibular schwannoma and in aural rehabilitation with cochlear implants in patients with neurofibromatosis type 2.
The Hospital Germans Trias is also a benchmark in neurofibromathosis type 2 in the country, as the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, has accredited it as a CSUR (Centres, Services and Units of Reference of the National Health System).
The Otorhinolaryngology Service performs research work in collaboration with the IrisCaixa Institute for Aids Research and the Institute of Predictive and Personalized Medicine of Cancer (IMPPC)
The main lines of research are:
- Study of the afferent auditory canal.
- Study on the location of auditory nuclei in the brainstem.
- Aural rehabilitation through cochlear implants in the neurofibromathosis type 2.
Undergraduate teaching
Doctor Francesc Roca-Ribas and Doctor Núria Miró are associate professors of Otorhinolaryngology at the Medical School of the UAB in the Can Ruti Campus.The rest of the team also collaborates in the subject and in practicals of students.
Postgraduate teaching
The service gives the following courses in postgraduate training:
- Endoscopic skull base and nasosinus surgery
- Othology and neuroothology
- Updating for family doctors
- Training and updating of Otorhinolaryngology in Nursing
It also collaborates in teaching resident doctors of Family Medicine, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, General and Digestive Surgery, Oncology and Allergology.
Residents information
Contacte: orl.germanstrias@gencat.cat