
Codi servei:


The Germans Trias Pneumology Service carries our research in the following areas:

  • Lung cancer, together with the Catalan Oncology Institute
  • Respiratory biomarkers
  • Genetics in asthma and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSA)
  • Telemedicine in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and (OSA)
  • Tuberculosis (through the Experimental Tuberculosis Unit) and respiratory infections
  • Interventional pulmonary techniques: pulmonary volume reduction with endoscopy, cryobiopsy and thermoplasty


The service belongs to the Online Biomedical Research Centre (CIBER) groups focused on COPD, cancer, tuberculosis and bioengineering. It is also a National Excellence Centre in echo-fibrobronchoscopy.

In addition, it collaborates with several other institutions, including the Polytechnical University and the Bioengineering Institute of Catalonia, and it participates in phase II and IV clinical trials. It owns a registered patent and has two pending patents.


Tipus Servei: 1




Undergraduate teaching

The service has a tenured lecturer (Doctor Ruiz Manzano) of the UAB School of Medicine at the Can Ruti Campus, as well as several associate and assistant lecturers.


Postgraduate teaching

It is accredited to train two Pneumology residents per year. It also welcomes national and international rotations in the Interventional Pulmonary Endoscopy Unit.

It is also part of the teaching team of several Master programmes. 


Residents information

Teaching guide.


Continuous training

It organizes general pneumology updating courses for primary care doctors and nurses and on asthsma in particular.