Training practices

Training stays for foreign professionals

All the information regarding the application for training stays by professionals and training specialists who carry out their activity abroad and want to make a stay at the Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital can be found on the website of the Ministry of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare.

To check availability and resolve doubts regarding the stays, you can write an email to the Postgraduate Teaching Coordination of the Germans Trias Hospital:



Birth Center Casa Laietània

If you are interested in making your external rotation at the Casa Laietània Birth Center, you can fill in this form to leave your data and facilitate communication with the service professionals.


External rotations or stays of professionals from other centers in Spain

If you are interested in making your external rotation or training stay, you want to consult availability and / or solve doubts, you can write an email to the Coordination of Postgraduate Teaching of the Germans Trias Hospital: