General and Digestive Surgery
- Presentation
- Healthcare services
- Team
- Research
- Teaching
- Contact
Codi servei:
Research and innovation (R+I) contribute decisively to advancing healthcare, improving care systems and increasing the population's health expectations.
R&I is a tool to improve the health of the people we serve. Over the last few years, the General and Digestive Surgery Service of Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital has devoted a lot of effort to maintain and increase its research activity thanks to the fact that it has a group of professionals motivated for research.
R&I in our service has had and has a role in the overall objectives of the service and in accordance with the Mission and Vision of the hospital. It is for this reason that a few years ago we proposed as one of our objectives the promotion, coordination and monitoring of clinical, translational and basic Research as well as the Innovation of the General and Digestive Surgery Service.
As a result of this situation, the General and Digestive Surgery Service is carrying out more than 30 national and international research and innovation projects that have resulted in several patents and spin-offs.
The General and Digestive Surgery Service of HUGTIP attends all those patients who need elective and urgent surgical treatment for diseases of the digestive system, endocrine system, abdominal wall and breast. We perform from simple and minimally invasive procedures to highly complex surgeries in which collaboration between different surgical specialties may be necessary.
Our team is integrated by more than 30 professionals who offer a wide range of services through the use of the most advanced technology and access to new treatments and even clinical trials. We are national and international referents in complex oncological surgery procedures, liver and pancreatic surgery and obesity surgery using in many cases robotic surgery.
Always through patient-centered care, our team works with professionals from other surgical and medical specialties to offer the best treatment for each patient in a multidisciplinary manner.
We are also a Department with a clear teaching vocation, participating in the training of surgeons from our hospital and other centers as well as university students.
Finally, in our Service we cannot conceive of caring for our patients without making contributions to constantly improve the treatments we offer them; that is why we actively participate in numerous research projects in innovation that have led us to have a relevant role in the international surgical community
Tipus Servei: 1
Postgraduate teaching
The service trains residents in the specialty: every year it receives two new resident internal medicine doctors (MIR). This year 2023 it has increased its training capacity, offering for the first time a third place.
Residents information
- Check the Teaching guide. (language: catalan)
- Find out what our residents think about the General and Digestive Surgery service of the Germans Trias.
Continuing teaching
- Monthly bibliographic sessions are held
- Clinical sessions and specialized training sessions are held weekly
- Morbimortality sessions are also held periodically
Equip mèdic
Joan Francesc Julián Ibáñez - Cap de Servei de Cirurgia General i Digestiva
Elisenda Garsot Savall - Cap clínic de la Unitat de Cirurgia Esofago-gàstrica, de Patologia Mamària, de Cirurgia de Paret.
Esteban Cugat Andorrà - Cap Clínic de la Unitat Hepato-Bilio-Pancreàtica
Francisco Espín Alvarez - Director de Programa Cirurgia Extrema Hepàtica
Ignasi Camps Ausàs - Cap Clínic de Coloproctologia
David Parés Martínez - Cap Clínic. Responsable de Recerca. Coordinador de la Unitat Docent Germans Trias i Pujol
Jose Maria Balibrea del Castillo - Cap Clínic de Cirurgia Endocrino-Metabòlica i de la Unitat de Trauma i Cirurgia d'Urgències
Marta Viciano Martín - Directora de Programa de Docència Post-grau
Lidia Blay, José Troya, Marta Viciano - Tutors de Residents
- Unitat de Cirurgia Endocrina-Metabòlica
Ana Torres Mari
Pau Moreno Santabarbara
José Maria Balibrea del Castillo
- Unitat Patologia Mamària
Lidia Blay Aulina
Iciar Pascual Miguel
- Unitat Cirurgia Esofagogàstrica
Arantxa Clavell Font
Marta Viciano Martín
Elisenda Garsot Savall (Cap Clínic)
- Unitat Cirurgia de Paret
Arantxa Clavell Font
Clara Gené Skarabec
Ana Torres Mari
- Unitat Cirurgia Metabòlica i de la Obesitat Mòrbida
Jordi Tarascó Palomares
Pau Moreno Santabarbara
Albert Caballero Boza
José Maria Balibrea del Castillo (Cap Clínic)
- Unitat Cirurgia Hepato-Bilio-Pancreàtica
Equip Cirurgia Hepàtica
Equip Cirurgia Biliopancreàtica
Equip Cirurgia Hepato Extrema
Francesc Espin Alvarez
Jordi Navinés López
Manel Cremades Pérez
Fernando Pardo López
Alba Zárate Pinedo
Sara Sentí Farrarons
Maria Galofré Recasens
Esteban Cugat Andorrà (Cap Clínic)
Equip Transplantament Pancreàtic
Manel Cremades Pérez
Fernando Pardo Aranda
Sara Sentí Farrarons
Francesc Espin Álvarez
Joan Francesc Julián Ibáñez
- Unitat Cirurgia Coloproctològica
Equip Malaltia Inflamatòria Intestinal
Equip de Cancer Colorectal
Equip de Proctologia
Equip de Sòl Pelvià
Equip de Sarcoma
Equip de Carcinomatosis
Ignasi Camps Ausas (Cap Clínic)
Marta Cuadrado Velázquez
Miguel Ángel Pacha González
José Troya Díaz
Sandra Vela Bernal
Esther Gamez
Ingrid Tapiolas
Javier Corral Rubio
Clara Gené Skrabec
Carles Maristany
David Parés Martínez (Cap Clínic)
- Unitat de Trauma i Cirurgia d’Urgències - UTCU
Esther Gil Barrionuevo
Gian Pier Protti
Enrico Marrano
Ana Maria Piqueras Hinojo
José Maria Balibrea del Castillo (Cap Clínic)
- Metges residents
Christian Herrero Vicente - Cirurgià resident 5è
Cristina Albero Bosch - Cirurgiana resident 5è
Anna Vidal Carné- Cirurgiana resident 4rt
Daniel Humaran Cozar - Cirurgiana resident 4rt
Carla Galofré Recasens- Cirurgiana resident 3er
Rosa Claret De Castro - Cirurgiana resident 3er
Cèlia Martínez Alvez - Cirurgiana resident 2on
Aleix Diez Quílez - Cirurgià resident 2on
Gerard Gistàs Solé - Cirurgià resident 1er
Ariadna Castellví Urdániz -Cirurgiana resident 1er
Anna Segarra Soria - Cirurgiana resident 1er
Equip d'Infermeria
Rebeca Díaz Garcia - Supervisora d’Infermeria. Coordinadora Procés Enhanced Recovery After Surgery - ERAS
Judith Magrí Gallard - Referent territorial del desplegament de l’estratègia ERAS INFERMERA GESTORA DEL PROCÉS ERAS
- Infermeres assistencials d'hospitalització
Silvia Arribas García
Mª Mercè Cobas Vazquez
Marina Fernandez Montano
Aida Garcia Escribano
Laura Gomez Pardos
Ana Monforte Martinez
Lidia Palomeque Fernandez
Raquel Parramon Perez
Montse Serrano Campos
Rosa Serrano Sanchez
Mª Luisa Chamarro Ballesteros
Susana Raboso Barrios
- Tècnics en cures auxiliars d'infermeria
Laia Moreno Gomez
Amparo Lopez Davila
Concepción López Ibañez
Maria Gonzlez López
Equip administratiu
- Equip administratiu Unitat Coloproctologia
Desiderio Estévez Fernández
- Equip administratiu Unitat Esofago-gàstrica, Endocrí Metabòlic , Patologia Mamaria, Paret, Metabòlica i Obesitat Mòrbida.
Ángeles Mesas Torronteras
- Equip administratiu Hepato Bilio-pancreàtica
Juan Rodriguez Robles
The General and Digestive Surgery Service of HUGTIP attends all those patients who need elective and urgent surgical treatment for diseases of the digestive system, endocrine system, abdominal wall and breast. We perform from simple and minimally invasive procedures to highly complex surgeries in which collaboration between different surgical specialties may be necessary.
Our team is integrated by more than 30 professionals who offer a wide range of services through the use of the most advanced technology and access to new treatments and even clinical trials. We are national and international referents in complex oncological surgery procedures, liver and pancreatic surgery and obesity surgery using in many cases robotic surgery.
Always through patient-centered care, our team works with professionals from other surgical and medical specialties to offer the best treatment for each patient in a multidisciplinary manner.
We are also a Department with a clear teaching vocation, participating in the training of surgeons from our hospital and other centers as well as university students.
Finally, in our Service we cannot conceive of caring for our patients without making contributions to constantly improve the treatments we offer them; that is why we actively participate in numerous research projects in innovation that have led us to have a relevant role in the international surgical community
- Breast Pathology Unit
- Esophagogastric Surgery Unit
- Wall Surgery Unit
- Endocrine, Metabolic and Morbid Obesity Surgery Unit
- Hepato-Bilio-Pancreatic Surgery Unit
- Coloproctological Surgery Unit
- Trauma and Emergency Surgery Unit - UTCU
Research and innovation (R+I) contribute decisively to advancing healthcare, improving care systems and increasing the population's health expectations.
R&I is a tool to improve the health of the people we serve. Over the last few years, the General and Digestive Surgery Service of Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital has devoted a lot of effort to maintain and increase its research activity thanks to the fact that it has a group of professionals motivated for research.
R&I in our service has had and has a role in the overall objectives of the service and in accordance with the Mission and Vision of the hospital. It is for this reason that a few years ago we proposed as one of our objectives the promotion, coordination and monitoring of clinical, translational and basic Research as well as the Innovation of the General and Digestive Surgery Service.
As a result of this situation, the General and Digestive Surgery Service is carrying out more than 30 national and international research and innovation projects that have resulted in several patents and spin-offs.
Postgraduate teaching
The service trains residents in the specialty: every year it receives two new resident internal medicine doctors (MIR). This year 2023 it has increased its training capacity, offering for the first time a third place.
Residents information
- Check the Teaching guide. (language: catalan)
- Find out what our residents think about the General and Digestive Surgery service of the Germans Trias.
Continuing teaching
- Monthly bibliographic sessions are held
- Clinical sessions and specialized training sessions are held weekly
- Morbimortality sessions are also held periodically