Clinical Pharmacology

Codi servei:


Research activity of the Pharmacology Service is currently focused on international multicentre projects regarding genetic polymorphisms (when there is more than one variation per gene) and adverse drug reaction.

The main lines of research of the service are:

  • Genetic determinants in adverse drug reactions
  • Systematic revisions
  • Phase I clinical trials with healthy volunteers
  • Vaccinations and other products against tuberculosis


Tipus Servei: 5



Undergraduate teaching

All physicians of the Clinical Pharmacology Service are lecturers of the department of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapy of the UAB Medical School of the Can Ruti Campus.

Postgraduate teaching

Professionals of the service participate in training resident doctors in Clinical Pharmacology and they direct doctorate dissertations. 


Residents information

  • Teaching guide.
  • Find out what our residents think about the Clinical Pharmacology service of the Germans Trias.

Continuing training

The service organizes courses on methodology and research, together with other aspects related to Clinical Pharmacology.

It also coordinates on a monthly basis:

  • Sessions specialized in pharmacosurveillance and interconsultations
  • Bibliographic sessions
  • Research protocol sessions assessed by the Ethics Committee of Clinical Research
  • Sessions on research projects carried out by the service
  • Sessions on other aspects relevant to the speciality