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Codi servei: REUSVGT
The Rheumatology Service participates in clinical trials on new therapies, mainly in the field of inflammatory and autoimmune joint pathology.
He also conducts his own clinical and translational research. The lines of research currently under way are: study of elderly arthritis, evaluation of innate immune response in patients with psoriatic arthritis, effect of inflammation on bone metabolism, alterations of the heart rate in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus , others. Participates actively in working groups of the Catalan Society of Rheumatology and the Spanish Society of Rheumatology. The results of the research work are presented at national and international conferences and published in scientific journals.
The Rheumatology Service of the Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital, led by Dra. Lourdes Mateo, is being consolidated as a Service with extensive experience in the field of autoimmune diseases, inflammatory joint rheumatisms, bone metabolic pathology and Pediatric rheumatology, among others. Its close relationship with other hospital services such as Dermatology, Radiology, Immunology, Pediatrics, Nephrology, Pneumology, Gynecology and Obstetrics or Anatomy-Pathology, among others, allows a comprehensive approach to the rheumatic patient.
The Rheumatology Service carries out its welfare activity in the hospitalization area, the multipurpose day hospital, the external consultations and the primary care centers linked to the hospital. The practice of diagnostic methods such as densitometry, capillaroscopy, musculoskeletal ultrasound, muscular, salivary, subcutaneous fat biopsies and the Schirmer lacrimal secretion test are also part of the portfolio of Rheumatology services at the Germans Trias Hospital.
It should be noted that it is linked to the Autonomous University of Barcelona, both in terms of the degree of Medicine, and the Master's and PhD. He is also actively involved in the training of specialists in Rheumatology (MIR training program), as well as other specialties such as Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Internal Medicine, Family and Community Medicine, Dermatology, Nefrology, Immunology or Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology.
You can see information about the specialty for future residents on the Specialized Health Training page.
Tipus Servei: 1
Correu: reumatologia.germanstrias@gencat.cat / Phone number: 93 497 84 81
The Rheumatology Service is linked to the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), both in terms of undergraduate and postgraduate education, and is accredited for the training of specialist doctors (MIR program).
Degree training
- Lourdes Mateo
- Laia Gifre
Postgraduate training
Members of the Rheumatology Service participate in postgraduate training in university master's degrees, as well as in the training of PhD students.
MIR training
The Rheumatology Service is accredited for the training of specialists in rheumatology (MIR program) according to the teaching guide and collaborates with the training of doctors of other specialties such as Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Internal Medicine, Medicine Family and Community and Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology.
Residents information
Continuing education
The scientific sessions of the service, which are held every Tuesday from the month of September to the month of July, are accredited by the Catalan Council for the Continuing Education of Health Professions
Medical Team
Service chief. Specialist
Specialist. Resident's tutor.
Specialist.Deputy Director of Medical Management of the Hospitalization Process
Specialist. Resident's tutor.
Ivette Casafont Solé
Judit Font
Annika Nack
Specialist. Clinical trials manager
Mihail Mihaylov Grigorov
Specialist. Clinical trials manager
Administrative Team
Carmen Ríos Madrona
Iban Torres
Team of external consultations
Estel Font Pujol
Supervisor of Nursing in consultations
David Duatis Sabater
Technician of densitometry and radiology
David Martínez Pérez
Technician of densitometry and radiology
Hospitalization team - 9th floor
Carmen Lora San Jose
Nursing Supervisor hospitalization
Juliana Domínguez Hernández
Hospitalization nursing team
Imelda Giménez González
Hospitalization nursing team
Ma Angeles Pizarro Pilar
Hospitalization nursing team
Sherezade Benítez Guerrero
Hospitalization nursing team
José Ma Selas Díaz
Hospitalization nursing team
Nuria Bueno Lario
Hospitalization nursing team
Ma Eugenia Díaz de la Cruz
Hospitalization nursing team
Abigail Alonso Rodriguez
Hospitalization nursing team
Montserrat Bodego Garre
Hospitalization nursing team
Encarnación Muñoz Barea
Hospitalization nursing team
Francisca Bosquet López
Hospitalization nursing team
Ada Carrasco Jiménez
Hospitalization nursing team
Ma Del Carmen Torrent Farnell
Hospitalization nursing team
Montserrat Grau batlle
Hospitalization nursing team
Ma Dolores Sola Milan
Hospitalization nursing team
Susana Yuste Sarabia
Hospitalization nursing team
Vicente Garrido Sánchez
Hospitalization nursing team
Gemma Mach Abril
Hospitalization nursing team
Aida Díaz Solé
Hospitalization nursing team
Ma Dolores Morales Labrat
Hospitalization nursing team
Daniel Sánchez Bernal
Hospitalization nursing team
Montserrat Vidal Salvador
Hospitalization nursing team
Gemma Puertas Guerrero
Hospitalization nursing team
Sonia Peletero Quintans
Hospitalization nursing team
Rafael Rojo Martin
Hospitalization nursing team
Paula Poveda Garcia
Hospitalization nursing team
Antonio Rayo Sánchez
Hospitalization nursing team
Pilar López Guirao
Hospitalization nursing team
Mª del Carmen Morales Muniesa
Hospitalization nursing team
Ana Valencia Oliveras
Hospitalization nursing team
Ana Vila Bautista
Hospitalization nursing team
Cristina Pérez Fernández
Hospitalization nursing team
Diana Bellerin Guzmán
Hospitalization nursing team
Mª Magdalena González Fernández
Hospitalization nursing team
Marta Benítez Sans
Hospitalization nursing team
Sisawo Karamo
Hospitalization nursing team
Encarnación Merino Muñoz
Hospitalization nursing team
Montserrat Gómez Bueso
Hospitalization nursing team
M del Mar Trujillo Salas
Hospitalization nursing team
Núria Vilardebo Lucas
Hospitalization nursing team
Carmen Gil Cabanillas
Hospitalization nursing team
Cristina Barragan Pérez
Hospitalization nursing team
Susana Gonzalez Sánchez
Hospitalization nursing team
Lucila Lozano Álvarez
Hospitalization nursing team
Virtudes Gómez López
Hospitalization nursing team
Esther Mateos Domínguez
Hospitalization nursing team
The Rheumatology Service of the Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital, led by Dra. Lourdes Mateo, is being consolidated as a Service with extensive experience in the field of autoimmune diseases, inflammatory joint rheumatisms, bone metabolic pathology and Pediatric rheumatology, among others. Its close relationship with other hospital services such as Dermatology, Radiology, Immunology, Pediatrics, Nephrology, Pneumology, Gynecology and Obstetrics or Anatomy-Pathology, among others, allows a comprehensive approach to the rheumatic patient.
The Rheumatology Service carries out its welfare activity in the hospitalization area, the multipurpose day hospital, the external consultations and the primary care centers linked to the hospital. The practice of diagnostic methods such as densitometry, capillaroscopy, musculoskeletal ultrasound, muscular, salivary, subcutaneous fat biopsies and the Schirmer lacrimal secretion test are also part of the portfolio of Rheumatology services at the Germans Trias Hospital.
It should be noted that it is linked to the Autonomous University of Barcelona, both in terms of the degree of Medicine, and the Master's and PhD. He is also actively involved in the training of specialists in Rheumatology (MIR training program), as well as other specialties such as Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Internal Medicine, Family and Community Medicine, Dermatology, Nefrology, Immunology or Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology.
You can see information about the specialty for future residents on the Specialized Health Training page.
- Diagnosis, study and evaluation of complications associated with autoimmune diseases.
- Diagnosis, study and evaluation of complications associated with inflammatory joint diseases.
- Diagnosis, study and evaluation of patients with different bone metabolic diseases.
- Treatment of acute vertebral fracture through the technique of vertebroplasty.
- Diagnosis, study and follow-up of patients with rheumatic problems received by other hospital services.
- Diagnosis and control of autoimmune diseases.
- Diagnosis and control of inflammatory joint diseases.
- Diagnosis and control of rheumatic diseases of the pediatric age.
- Follow-up of biological treatments for the control of inflammatory and autoimmune joint diseases.
- Diagnosis and control of bone metabolism.
- Specialized visits to health areas linked to the Hospital, such as the primary care centers Dr. Robert in Badalona and Dr. Barraquer in Sant Adrià del Besòs.
- Administration of biological treatments by endovenous route for the control of inflammatory joint diseases.
- Administration of endovenous treatments for the control of autoimmune diseases.
- Administration of drugs by endovenosa for osteoporosis.
- Endovenous Ferrotherapy.
Bone densitometry
It is the reference technique to determine the bone mineral density through a dual X-ray source. The main applications of densitometry are the diagnosis of osteoporosis, the risk assessment of fractures and the monitoring of anti-osteoporotic treatments.
Densitometry also allows the measurement of body compartments (bone mass, lean and fat).
Exploration of the superficial circulation of the fingers, to the matrix of the nail, by means of an optical microscope. It is used to study the phenomenon of Raynaud (a vasoespastic disorder that changes the coloration of the fingers), as an aid to diagnose some diseases of the connective tissue.
Joint ultrasound
Exploration by means of an ultrasonic probe that allows to identify the different joint structures, assess the presence of inflammation and facilitate the joint joint puncture.
Diagnostic arthrocentesis
Joint puncture to obtain and analyze the synovial fluid (what is inside the joints and which serves to favor the movement and reduce the friction between cartilages) and facilitate the diagnosis of some diseases. Its analysis allows to evaluate the presence of inflammation (cytological and biochemical study), evaluate the possible infection (microbiological study) and identify the presence of microcrystals by means of a polarized light microscope.
Schirmer's test
Prova que avalua la capacitat de secreció lacrimal. S’efectua aplicant una tireta de paper absorbent sobre a la conjuntiva ocular. És una tècnica complementària indicada per al diagnòstic de la síndrome de Sjögren, un trastorn autoimmunitari que altera les glàndules que secreten les llàgrimes i la saliva.
Salivary gland biopsy
Obtain a sample of the lower salivary gland of the mucosa of the lower lip by means of a small excision. It is a technique indicated for the diagnosis of Sjögren's syndrome, an autoimmune disorder that alters the glands that secret the tears and saliva.
Aspirational puncture or biopsy of abdominal fat
Obtaining a sample of abdominal fat that allows to evaluate the presence of complications of some rheumatic diseases.
Muscle biopsy
Obtain a sample of muscle, usually from the calf (back of the leg), by means of an excision. Technique indicated for the diagnosis of vasculitis and some diseases of the connective tissue.
Clinical Trials
Clinical trials are part of clinical research and the center of all medical advances. They look for new ways to prevent, detect or treat diseases. Treatments may be new medications or new ways of using existing treatments. The goal of clinical trials is to determine if a new test or treatment works and is safe. Participants in clinical trials may receive the newest treatments free of charge and with the additional care and attention of the clinical trial staff. The team includes doctors and nurses who check the participant's health at the beginning of the trial, give specific instructions to participate in it and carefully monitor the participant during the study. The studies follow a carefully controlled protocol that details what researchers have to do. Participants always remain anonymous.
Scleroderma (hard skin) is a rare disease with an unknown cause. It affects women more than men and usually appears in adulthood. There are 2 variants, one limited and one diffuse. The first one usually affects older people, on the contrary the diffuse form is more frequent in young people. Raynaud's phenomenon is very characteristic: the small arteries of the fingers and toes suffer from a vasospasm, this is manifested in the fingers becoming pale like wax. Both clinical forms have a different skin involvement but share the involvement of target organs such as: esophagus, lung and heart. Currently there is no treatment that puts a brake on the disease. However, there are numerous treatments that improve the complications that may appear.
Gout is a disease caused by the deposition of uric acid crystals in joints. It affects 1-2% of the population, predominantly males. It is a chronic process by definition, although its clinical manifestations may not be present or appear only intermittently during the initial phases. The typical clinical manifestation is the recurrent episodes of acute arthritis, which appear separated by inter-critical periods of variable duration. Several treatments are currently available that allow normalizing uric acid levels and controlling episodes of arthritis, thus avoiding the pain and disability they produce.
Psoriasic arthritis
Arthritis is a frequent manifestation in patients with cutaneous psoriasis (30%), particularly if the scalp or nails is affected. It is a chronic arthropathy that can inflame the joints, tendons and the axial skeleton, in a very variable way. It can affect one or multiple joints, with talalgia and inflammation of the fingers or with nighttime low back pain. But in addition to osteoarticular manifestations, it can often occur with uveitis and is associated with an increased cardiovascular risk. There are currently multiple treatments of proven efficacy, both synthetic (methotrexate, leflunomide) and biological agents (aimed at blocking various mediators of inflammation) and new selective immunomodulators.
Osteoporosis is a systemic bone disease characterized by a decrease in the amount of bone, which causes the bones to be more fragile and complicated with fractures. It is the most frequent bone disease: one in three Spanish women over 50 years of age is estimated to have osteoporosis, as well as one in 20 men. In the assessment of osteoporosis it is important to obtain a detailed clinical history to evaluate the presence of risk factors, as well as to perform a bone analysis and densitometry. Currently, there are numerous drugs that allow to increase the bone mass and reduce the onset of bone fractures.
Arthrosis or degenerative arthropathy
Traditionally it was considered that osteoarthritis was an illness of the elderly. However, in recent years it has been identified as an illness that affects all the articulation including the cartilage (and its chondrocytes called cells), bone, ligaments and local musculature. Hand osteoarthritis is most frequent, followed by knee and hips. There are some diseases that favor the development of osteoarthritis such as inflammatory rheumatisms, endocrine diseases, anatomical or post-traumatic disorders. It represents the main cause of physical disability in industrialized countries.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
It is an autoimmune systemic disease that can affect multiple organs such as skin, joints, kidneys, but it can also cause changes in blood such as anemia or decrease in the number of leukocytes or lymphocytes. The immune system is altered and becomes Agressor instead of protector of different parts of the body. Symptoms depend on the affected organ. Thus, patients with lupus may present a wide range of symptoms such as fatigue, fever, skin lesions, mouth abnormalities, joint pain or inflammation, among others. It can be potentially serious when vital organs like the heart, lungs, brain, spinal cord or bone marrow are affected. Currently, there are several treatments that allow the maintenance of the controlled autoimmune system and decrease the symptoms associated with this disease.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease of autoimmune origin characterized by inflammation of multiple joints, but can also cause nonspecific general symptoms and extra-articular involvement. It is more frequent to women. The main clinical manifestation is pain, swelling and rigidity of the joints, often symmetrically (for example, both hands). There are currently many drugs that allow to control (even make disappear) joint inflammation. However, in the absence of proper treatment, the illness can lead to significant physical limitations and a deterioration in the quality of life.
The Rheumatology Service participates in clinical trials on new therapies, mainly in the field of inflammatory and autoimmune joint pathology.
He also conducts his own clinical and translational research. The lines of research currently under way are: study of elderly arthritis, evaluation of innate immune response in patients with psoriatic arthritis, effect of inflammation on bone metabolism, alterations of the heart rate in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus , others. Participates actively in working groups of the Catalan Society of Rheumatology and the Spanish Society of Rheumatology. The results of the research work are presented at national and international conferences and published in scientific journals.
The Rheumatology Service is linked to the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), both in terms of undergraduate and postgraduate education, and is accredited for the training of specialist doctors (MIR program).
Degree training
- Lourdes Mateo
- Laia Gifre
Postgraduate training
Members of the Rheumatology Service participate in postgraduate training in university master's degrees, as well as in the training of PhD students.
MIR training
The Rheumatology Service is accredited for the training of specialists in rheumatology (MIR program) according to the teaching guide and collaborates with the training of doctors of other specialties such as Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Internal Medicine, Medicine Family and Community and Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology.
Residents information
Continuing education
The scientific sessions of the service, which are held every Tuesday from the month of September to the month of July, are accredited by the Catalan Council for the Continuing Education of Health Professions
Contacte: reumatologia.germanstrias@gencat.cat / Phone number: 93 497 84 81