Open Days 2025

This year the open day of the Germans Trias Hospital will be carried out through a double format: face-to-face and virtual.

► Face-to-face session

Next Friday, March 14, the open doors face-to-face session will take place in the auditorium of the hospital, from 10 am, where you can obtain information about the options offered by the Germans Trias during the years of residence.


  • In order to attend, it is necessary to fill in the registration form that you will find by accessing this link.


► Virtual sessions

In addition, different virtual meetings of each of the specialties will also be held between March 3 and 13. In them you can talk and consult all the doubts you have directly with the current residents of the Hospital.

  • In order to attend, it is necessary to fill in the registration form that you will find by accessing this link
  • See the calendari of meetings by specialty (press on the image to zoom)



► Do you want to know the experience of the current residents?

During these days, you will also be able to delve into each of the healthcare services that make up the hospital and learn from its current residents about the spaces where you will work, the routines you will follow and, in general, your day to day as a future resident of the Germans Trias, through a series of videos.


Get all the information about the residence in the hospital by entering the following link.

For any questions, send an email to