Pediatric Surgery
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Codi servei:
The Paediatric Surgery Department has research areas related to:
- Disorders of Sex Development, DSD. With a wealth of experience in research and treating patients with DSD and a landmark publication in this field [Martínez-Mora J. (1994) Intersexual States , Barcelona, Spain: Ed. Doyma] we currently have a multidisciplinary functional unit for studying and treating each patient individually and generating knowledge related to this heterogeneous group of diseases.
- Childhood obesity: This is a well-known pathology that is becoming increasingly common in the paediatric population and will require units of clinical excellence devoted to treating it. Our centre has a multidisciplinary team that studies and treats patients and conducts specific research into childhood obesity.
- Study of inflammation and immune response: In collaboration with other biomedical research institutions we study inflammatory phenomena, which will allow us to better understand how inflammation works in humans.
- Antibiotic treatment of complicated intra-abdominal infections: in collaboration with the paediatric service we have been involved in this area and are currently initiating a new collaboration in two clinical trials to study novel antimicrobial therapies.
The Paediatric Surgery Service its part of the Clinical Directorate of Pedriatics.
It was was founded in 1987 and, almost fourty years later, it is still the reference service for paediatric surgical pathology in the Barcelonès Nord and Maresme zone.
Since its foundation, the service has carried out more than 20,000 operations and it handles an average of five thousand visits each year. We work closely with staff from the Paediatrics, Anaesthesiology, Neonatal Intensive Care, Microbiology, Pharmacy and Intensive Care Medicine departments, among others. This allows us to offer our patients comprehensive care.
We strive to keep improving in terms of quality, safety and efficiency, to allow us to offer a good service and earn the trust of both the public and health professionals.
Mission and vision of the Pediatric Surgery team
To offer comprehensive and quality healthcare for pediatric surgical pathology in the territory of Barcelonès Nord and Maresme. Develop teaching and research activities aimed at improving clinical practice.
To be a reference and high-tech hospital for pediatric surgical pathology in terms of health care, research and teaching; with the commitment of an integrated professional team and with the recognition of society.
Tipus Servei: 8
Undergraduate teaching
Undergraduate teaching at the Germans Trias i Pujol teaching unit of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, including theoretical and practical lessons in Paediatric Surgery, Paediatrics and Perinatology, and practical teaching for the Surgical Clinical Practicals 1 and 2 courses and practicals in our hospital departments and services.
Postgraduate teaching
Postgraduate training for residents in the specialities of Paediatrics, General Surgery and Urology.
Ongoing training sessions in conjunction with the Paediatrics and Radiodiagnosis services.
The service participates in specialised courses and conferences on paediatric pathology.
Medical team
Carlos Rodrigo
Clinical director
Marta de Diego
Head of Service. Specialist Areas of interest: Paediatric Urology. Sexual differentiation anomalies. Caudal pole pathology. Digestive and urinary physiology studies
Ma Pilar Abad Calvo
Specialist doctor. Areas of interest: various fields of paediatric surgery.
Maria Oviedo Gutiérrez
Specialist doctor. Areas of interest: digestive pathology, thoracic pathology and digestive and respiratory endoscopy.
Specialist doctor. Areas of interest: minimally invasive surgery and neonatal surgery.
Andrea Soria
Specialist doctor. Areas of interest: digestive and thoracic surgical pathology and minimally invasive surgery.
Specialist doctor.
Mario Cuesta Argos
Specialist doctor.
Camila González Ruhrnschopf
Specialist doctor.
Aixa Reusmann
Specialist doctor.
Oscar Rocha
Specialist doctor.
Nursing team
Ana Maria Moral
Nursing Supervisor
Maica Ezpeleta Valls
Nursing Supervisor
Esther Sauqué
Nursing Supervisor
Sheila Alfonso
Nursing team
Abigail Alonso
Nursing team
Sara Alvarez
Nursing team
Marta Bermejo Casillas
Nursing team
Clara Bosch
Nursing team
Maria del Carme Català
Nursing team
Alexia Clos
Nursing team
Raquel Martori
Nursing team
Berta Mor
Nursing team
Marta Ninou
Nursing team
Alba Ongil
Nursing team
Rosa Maria Ortí
Nursing team
Meritxell Raventós
Nursing team
Irene Ríos
Nursing team
Laura Sala
Nursing team
The Paediatric Surgery Service its part of the Clinical Directorate of Pedriatics.
It was was founded in 1987 and, almost fourty years later, it is still the reference service for paediatric surgical pathology in the Barcelonès Nord and Maresme zone.
Since its foundation, the service has carried out more than 20,000 operations and it handles an average of five thousand visits each year. We work closely with staff from the Paediatrics, Anaesthesiology, Neonatal Intensive Care, Microbiology, Pharmacy and Intensive Care Medicine departments, among others. This allows us to offer our patients comprehensive care.
We strive to keep improving in terms of quality, safety and efficiency, to allow us to offer a good service and earn the trust of both the public and health professionals.
Mission and vision of the Pediatric Surgery team
To offer comprehensive and quality healthcare for pediatric surgical pathology in the territory of Barcelonès Nord and Maresme. Develop teaching and research activities aimed at improving clinical practice.
To be a reference and high-tech hospital for pediatric surgical pathology in terms of health care, research and teaching; with the commitment of an integrated professional team and with the recognition of society.
The service is part of the Foetal Medicine Committee and conducts research and provides advice on prenatal diagnostic surgical pathology.
- Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
- Congenital abnormalities of the oesophagus (oesophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula)
- Omphalocele and gastroschisis
- Cloaca and urogenital sinus
- Bladder exstrophy
- Intestinal atresia and stenosis
- Annular pancreas
- Meconium ileus
- Intestinal malrotation
- Anorectal malformations
- Necrotising enterocolitis
- Hirschsprung's disease
- Bile duct atresia and common bile duct cyst
- Breast disorders
- Chest deformities
- Congenital pulmonary malformations
- Oesophageal motility disorders and foreign body removal (gastrointestinal endoscopy)
- Diseases of the gastro-oesophageal junction (gastro-oesophageal reflux and achalasia)
- Infectious diseases of the pleural cavity:videothoracoscopy
- Pneumothorax
- Palmoaxillary Hyperhidrosis
- Diagnostic and therapeutic respiratory endoscopy
- Childhood obesity
- Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
- Intestinal intussusception
- Ventral hernia
- Umbilical and urachal cysts
- Inguinoscrotal pathology
- Pathology of the omphalomesenteric duct (Meckel's diverticulum)
- Gastrointestinal duplications
- Mesentery and omentum cyst
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Appendicitis and peritonitis
- Hirschsprung's disease
- Anorectal pathology
- Cholelithiasis
- Spleen surgery indications
- Adrenal gland pathology
- Pancreatic pathology
- Anorectal malformation
- Pyeloureteral junction anomalies
- Congenital and acquired ureteral abnormalities
- Abnormalities of the ureterovesical junction (vesicoureteral reflux, diverticula, ureterocele, ureterovesical obstruction and megaureter)
- Epispadias and hypospadias (congenital deformities of the urethra)
- Urethral abnormalities (posterior urethral valves, prostatic urethra, stricture)
- Acute scrotum (testicular torsion, testicular hydatid torsion, orchiepididymitis)
- Penis problems, phimosis, balanopreputial adhesions and short frenulum penis
- Sexual differentiation anomalies
- Testicular maldescent (cryptorchidism, non-palpable testicle, ascending testicle)
- Varicocele
- Synechia labia minora
- Hypertrophy of labia minora
- Congenital and acquired defects
- Soft tissue tumours
- Vascular anomalies and tumours
- Burns and scarring
- Wilms' tumour
- Neuroblastoma
- Visceral rhabdomyosarcoma
- Ovarian tumours
- Testicular tumours
- Soft tissue tumours
- Lung and mediastinal tumours
- Orofacial cleft
- Salivary gland cysts
- Adenopathies
- Thyroid pathology
- Cervical cysts, sinus and fistulae
- Congenital torticollis
- Ankyloglossia (short lingual frenulum)
- Dental occlusion
- Malformation of the pinna
- The service is part of the Foetal Medicine Committee and conducts research and provides advice on prenatal diagnostic surgical pathology.
- Paediatric urine flowmetry
- Paediatric urodynamics
- Paediatric anorectal manometry
- Paediatric oesophageal pHmetry
- Paediatric oesophageal impedance analysis
- Paediatric oesophageal manometry
Chest wall deformities
Chest wall deformities are common. The paediatric surgery team, together with a multidisciplinary team, assess patients with chest wall malformations and perform cardiological, respiratory, radiological and psychological studies on an individual basis. Patients who do not suffer from respiratory, cardiac or physical complaints do not require treatment. Conversely, for those patients who do need treatment, an individualised care plan is designed for each person.
The most common forms of chest wall deformities are:
- Pectus excavatum: This involves a sternal depression that is usually identified by the patient and their family. It mainly affects the appearance of the chest and may cause problems with the patient's self-image. It can also lead to compression of the heart and large blood vessels, and stiffness of the chest, which can make strenuous exercise difficult. About 40% of patients get worse during puberty. The various treatments available include:
- Vacuum Bell: a suction cup that corrects the deformity by using a vacuum mechanism. This is recommended for pre-adolescents with severe pectus excavatum, or mild pectus excavatum with image worries.
- Nuss thoracoplasty: the deformity is corrected by fitting a hypoallergenic metal rod. It is used in adolescents with severe pectus excavatum and aesthetic, respiratory and cardiac impairment.
Pectus carinatum This is a protrusion of the central part of the chest, as a consequence of the excessive growth of the rib cartilages, and is often corrected due to the psychological impact of the deformity it causes. It tends to worsen during adolescence. It is treated during puberty by dynamic compression of the sternum with a specially designed brace (FMF).
The Paediatric Surgery Department has research areas related to:
- Disorders of Sex Development, DSD. With a wealth of experience in research and treating patients with DSD and a landmark publication in this field [Martínez-Mora J. (1994) Intersexual States , Barcelona, Spain: Ed. Doyma] we currently have a multidisciplinary functional unit for studying and treating each patient individually and generating knowledge related to this heterogeneous group of diseases.
- Childhood obesity: This is a well-known pathology that is becoming increasingly common in the paediatric population and will require units of clinical excellence devoted to treating it. Our centre has a multidisciplinary team that studies and treats patients and conducts specific research into childhood obesity.
- Study of inflammation and immune response: In collaboration with other biomedical research institutions we study inflammatory phenomena, which will allow us to better understand how inflammation works in humans.
- Antibiotic treatment of complicated intra-abdominal infections: in collaboration with the paediatric service we have been involved in this area and are currently initiating a new collaboration in two clinical trials to study novel antimicrobial therapies.
Undergraduate teaching
Undergraduate teaching at the Germans Trias i Pujol teaching unit of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, including theoretical and practical lessons in Paediatric Surgery, Paediatrics and Perinatology, and practical teaching for the Surgical Clinical Practicals 1 and 2 courses and practicals in our hospital departments and services.
Postgraduate teaching
Postgraduate training for residents in the specialities of Paediatrics, General Surgery and Urology.
Ongoing training sessions in conjunction with the Paediatrics and Radiodiagnosis services.
The service participates in specialised courses and conferences on paediatric pathology.