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Codi servei:
The Germans Trias Pneumology Service carries our research in the following areas:
- Lung cancer, together with the Catalan Oncology Institute
- Respiratory biomarkers
- Genetics in asthma and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSA)
- Telemedicine in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and (OSA)
- Tuberculosis (through the Experimental Tuberculosis Unit) and respiratory infections
- Interventional pulmonary techniques: pulmonary volume reduction with endoscopy, cryobiopsy and thermoplasty
The service belongs to the Online Biomedical Research Centre (CIBER) groups focused on COPD, cancer, tuberculosis and bioengineering. It is also a National Excellence Centre in echo-fibrobronchoscopy.
In addition, it collaborates with several other institutions, including the Polytechnical University and the Bioengineering Institute of Catalonia, and it participates in phase II and IV clinical trials. It owns a registered patent and has two pending patents.
Presentation: The service is part of the Clinical Directorate of the Thorax Area.
Tipus Servei: 1
Undergraduate teaching
The service has a tenured lecturer (Doctor Ruiz Manzano) of the UAB School of Medicine at the Can Ruti Campus, as well as several associate and assistant lecturers.
Postgraduate teaching
It is accredited to train two Pneumology residents per year. It also welcomes national and international rotations in the Interventional Pulmonary Endoscopy Unit.
It is also part of the teaching team of several Master programmes.
Residents information
- Teaching guide.
- Find out what our residents think about the Pneumology service of the Germans Trias.
Continuous training
It organizes general pneumology updating courses for primary care doctors and nurses and on asthsma in particular.
Medical and researching team
Antoni Rosell
Clinical director.
Ignasi Garcia Olivé
Head of the service
José Antonio Fiz Fernández
Pulmonary function and respiratory bio-engineering group coordinator. Doctor of Medicine, UAB. Respiratory biomarker expert
Ma Sol Prats Bardají
Coordinator of the Intermediate Respiratory Care Unit. Doctor of Medicine, UAB. Expert in non invasive mechanical ventilation and pulmonary hypertension
Ma Luisa Rivera Ortún
Consultation coordinator. Doctor in Medicine, UAB. Asthma expert
Felipe Cristóbal Andreo García
Interventional Respiratory Endoscopy Unit Coordinator. Doctor of Medicine, UAB. Reference in Rapid Lung Cancer Diagonosis
Carlos Martínez Rivera
Doctor of Medicine, UAB. Working in hospitalization. Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Alícia Marín Tàpia
Pneumology Day Hospital Coordinator. Doctor in Medicine, UAB. COPD expert
José Sanz Santos
Doctor of Medicine, UAB. Member of the Interventional Respiratory Endoscopy Unit. Hemoptysis and smoking expert.
Karina Portillo Carroz
Specialist. Working in consultation and at the Day Hospital. Interstitial lung disease expert
Aïda Muñoz Ferrer
Specialist. Working in consultation and the Sleep Unit
Carmen Ángela Centeno Clemente
Specialist. Working in the Interventional Respiratory Endoscopy Unit. Neoplasia and genetics expert
Pere Serra Mitjà
Specialist. Working in home care and the Interventional Respiratory Endoscopy Unit. Pleural pathology expert
Glòria Bonet Papell
Specialist. Working in home care and the Interventional Respiratory Endoscopy Unit. Also working in Rapid Lung Cancer Diagnosis. Pleural pathology expert
Eli Nancy Pérez Rodas
Laura Rodríguez Pons
Agnès Hernández Biette
Resident doctor
Patricia Azahara Raya Hernández
Resident doctor
Leire Mendiluce Ochandarena
Resident doctor
Anabel Moreno
Resident doctor
Filipe Carvalho Gonçalves dos Santos
Resident doctor
Sonia Margarita Baeza Mena
Resident doctor
Antonio Marin Muñiz
Resident doctor
Laura Abad Chamorro
Biologist. Clinical trial coordinator
Nursing team
Alicia Francoso Vicente
Nurse. Clinical trial researcher
Julia Moraleda Hidalgo
Nurse. Clinical trial researcher
Esther Roca Amatria
Hospital nurse supervisor
Jaume Guitart Hormigo
Hospitalization nursign team
Ma Jesús Palomares López
Hospitalization nursign team
Patricia Velayos Martos
Hospitalization nursign team
Alicia Francoso Vicente
Hospitalization nursign team
Esther Cano Lucas
Hospitalization nursign team
Julia Moraleda Hidalgo
Hospitalization nursign team
Míriam Hinojosa Barrios
Hospitalization nursign team
Assumpta Esteve Bachs
Hospitalization nursign team
Xavier González Granero
Hospitalization nursign team
Laura Aguilar Polo
Hospitalization nursign team
Judith Ginesta Pan
Hospitalization nursign team
Rita Sabina Aguilar Gómez
Hospitalization nursign team
Magda Cosialls Rodríguez
Hospitalization nursign team
Sandra Fernández Nuñez
Hospitalization nursign team
Carlos González Muñoz
Hospitalization nursign team
Encarnación Salvo Plazas
Hospitalization nursign team
Carmen Aroa Almansa Moreno
Hospitalization nursign team
Catalina Huguet Forcades
Hospitalization nursign team
Juan Treviño Benavente
Hospitalization nursign team
Dolores Gómez Navarro
Hospitalization nursign team
Pilar Marazuela Pinela
Hospitalization nursign team
Estel Font Pujol
Office nurse supervisor
Adela Gonzalez Martinez
Office nursing team
Rosa Gómez Mendez
Office nursing team
Aurora Torrents Lombarte
Office nursing team
Yolanda Romero Ramírez
Nurse supervisor at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre of Badalona
Marta Alsina Llinares
Nurse at the Doctor Robert Specialized Treatment Centre
Irene Figuera Mas
Nurse supervisor at the Doctor Barraquer Specialized Treatment Centre of Sant Adrià de Besòs
Ma Ángeles García Fernández
Nurse at the Doctor Barraquer Specialized Treatment Centre
Elisabet Martí Nicolás
Nurse at the Doctor Barraquer Specialized Treatment Centre
Administrative team
Alejandra Alonso Farró
Hospitalization secretary
- Consultation with special attention to the asthma patient, Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disease (CPOD), Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSA), smoking, respiratory infections, tuberculosis and bronchiectasis.
- Nurse consultation
- Specific diagnosis techniques
- Specific therapeutic techniques
Specific therapeutic techniques, such as COPD patient therapy, oxygen therapy, thoracentesis, nebulized antibiotic therapy, among others, are performed.
- Interventional Endoscopy Unit: basic and advanced bronchoscopic diagnosis techniques, therapeutic procedures and pleural techniques
- Respiratory Function Tests Unit
- Sleep Unit
- Conventional bed therapy
- Intermediate Respiratory Therapy Unit
- Sleep Unit: night, respiratory or full polysomnography
Respiratory diseases and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Pneumology is a major medical speciality. Its vigor is seen when analysing its historical evolution, especially at the end of the 20th. century and beginning of the 21th. During this time, there has been great progress in learning more about asthma, occupational diseases, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), respiratory infections, cystic fibrosis, interstitial pneumology, pulmonary hypertension and breathing disorders in sleep apnea.
In addition, new and effective therapeutic procedures have been developed. Thus, oxygen therapy, non invasive mechanical ventilation, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and lung transplantation have radically changed the lives of many pulmonary insufficiency patients.
New horizons have also been opened:
- The possibility of determining genetic susceptibility to certain diseases and preventive measures that could be developed.
- Genetic therapy and molecular biology techniques to design new forms of therapy.
- Modern imaging procedures and less invasive surgical methods.
- New information and communication techniques that enable home monitoring of several respiratory diseases or remote diagnosis and access to scientific information, for both doctors and patients.
In this context of progress and optimism, there is a very prevalent disease that affects over 10% of adults between 40 and 80 years old and has significant economic and social cost. That is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), which includes two diseases: chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
This is a preventable and treatable disease characterised by persistent air flow limitation. It is poorly reversible, progressive and associated with a chronic airways inflammatory reaction, mostly due to smoking, but also to some other toxic particles or gases. Its main symptoms are: dyspnea (breathing difficulty or lack of air), cough and expectoration. Lung affectation varies from patient to patient, and the disease is usually accompanied by other problems that frequently cause exacerbation. These two factors contribute to its severity. The purpose of treatment is to alleviate the symptoms and improve tolerance to exercise and daily activity and improve overall health. In the long term, it aims at slowing down the progression of the disease, preventing and treating complications and lower mortality. At the Germans Trias, patients receive care in consultation, hospitalization and the day hospital.
Interventional Pneumology
In 2005, the Pneumology Service at the Germans Trias was the first in the country to incoporate a technique that makes it possible to deeply explore bronchii without surgery. It is the endoscopic ultrasound-guided real-time fine-needle aspiration, with in situ cytologic evaluation (thanks to the Pathological Anatomy Service) and with deep sedation (thanks to the Anestheology and Reanimation Service). The results obtained have been positive, allowing us to publish original articles and reviews in highly relevant national and international journals and receive recognition in speciality conferences.
Along the same lines, Germans Trias has a good number of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that make it a benchmark in its area.
The Germans Trias Pneumology Service carries our research in the following areas:
- Lung cancer, together with the Catalan Oncology Institute
- Respiratory biomarkers
- Genetics in asthma and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSA)
- Telemedicine in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and (OSA)
- Tuberculosis (through the Experimental Tuberculosis Unit) and respiratory infections
- Interventional pulmonary techniques: pulmonary volume reduction with endoscopy, cryobiopsy and thermoplasty
The service belongs to the Online Biomedical Research Centre (CIBER) groups focused on COPD, cancer, tuberculosis and bioengineering. It is also a National Excellence Centre in echo-fibrobronchoscopy.
In addition, it collaborates with several other institutions, including the Polytechnical University and the Bioengineering Institute of Catalonia, and it participates in phase II and IV clinical trials. It owns a registered patent and has two pending patents.
Undergraduate teaching
The service has a tenured lecturer (Doctor Ruiz Manzano) of the UAB School of Medicine at the Can Ruti Campus, as well as several associate and assistant lecturers.
Postgraduate teaching
It is accredited to train two Pneumology residents per year. It also welcomes national and international rotations in the Interventional Pulmonary Endoscopy Unit.
It is also part of the teaching team of several Master programmes.
Residents information
- Teaching guide.
- Find out what our residents think about the Pneumology service of the Germans Trias.
Continuous training
It organizes general pneumology updating courses for primary care doctors and nurses and on asthsma in particular.